Saturday, September 25, 2010

Here is my weekend cake:

Tomorrow a family will gather together and celebrate.  The birthday girls had requested a cake with horses, a fence, and a ducks on a pond.  The other night I spent some time sculpting the horses and ducks out of fondant.  I also made some cattails and at my husbands recommendation – a turtle.  I envisioned the fence as the backdrop with the horses resting in the field near the pond. 

Here is how it turned out . . .



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Sneak Peek . . .

at a birthday cake for this weekend.


My first attempt at horses. I’m pretty pleased, but there’s plenty to work on.


What about those ducks?


I hope this cake turns out how I have envisioned it in my head!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Twin sisters celebrate their individuality . . .

Two special little girls turned 9 today.  I had the privilege to make their individual cakes. 


They each picked a theme and in honor of their 9th birthday each cake had nine of something on it.  The horse themed cake had 9 horseshoes and the monkey stranded on the island had 9 bananas.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Upcoming cakes

I am working on two individual birthday cakes, so here’s a sneak peek of the decoration themes . . .



They’ll be here soon!!!